Imam Fode maintains that all languages, including Arabic, stem from one original language, Suriani (also knows as the language of Adam) and that Hieroglyphics is the best preserved form of this original language.
Thus, by retracing Arabic words back to their original Hieroglyphic forms, we can elevate them from their restricted meanings to their universal ones, shifting the focus from the individual form of the word to the spirit of the word. For this reason, the Muslim gnostics call Suriani the language of the spirit and Muslim scholars, like Suyuti and others, as well as Muslim Gnostics maintain that the questioning in the grave is conducted through the Suriani language. In other words, it is the spirit of the deceased that communicates with the angels.
This universal language has also been spoken of by in other traditions as mentioned in "Visions of Madame Sylvia" of Arthur Prieditis' Fate of the Nations:
A new universal language will be brought forth, which by a magic stroke will make everybody understand other languages. It will be like a bridge, after the sudden perception that in all languages of the earth lies a root of affinity on magical elements. O, what a wonderful secret, unraveled by the great, lonely philosopher, south of those mountains (384).