Masina Publications is Imam Fode's publishing platform that is dedicated to share his knowledge worldwide while maintaining the authenticity, ingenuity, and intellectual proprietorship of his writings.
The Logo:
Bow Down and Discover
The Ibis, the bird,
gm in Hieroglyphics, carries two meanings in addition to the bird.
- To bow down.
- To find, discover.
To bow down is an act of humility, the necessary condition to attaining knowledge, as God says, "Only those who have knowledge defer to Allah from among His slaves." (38:28) Thus humility is the mark of a scholar and without it true knowledge cannot be discovered.
Interesting Facts
- Masina Publications used to run under the name
Tasleem Publications.
- Imam Fode handwrites all of his works.
- He writes in three languages: Arabic, English, and Hieroglyphics.
- Less than half of his writings have been published.
- His writings date back from as early as the late 90's.
- His first work on
Akhlaq (Virtuous Character, 7 Words that God loves) dates back from the year 2000, and was originally written in Arabic, most of which has not been yet published.
- Due to the nature of his manuscripts, transcribers and editors are only his students.
- His current project is to publish the tafsir of the Quran in hieroglyphics (see